The PC Global Network is primarily a collaborative network that serves the local churches planted by Praise Chapel Churches. Most churches in the PC Global Network are the result of Praise Chapel's church planting efforts. Some are generational churches, originating from churches that plant churches, which then plant more churches.
The PC Global Network is an independent fellowship of churches, with each local church maintaining complete sovereignty and autonomy. Each church is self-governing and self-supporting.
In an increasingly divided world, Jesus calls His church to collaborate. The first church in Jerusalem, with its spirit of unity and collaboration, is a powerful model for us. This spirit is at the heart of our Family of Fellowships ministry model, and we are committed to the collaborative evolution of the church.
Collaboration isn’t about giving up individuality; quite the opposite, it is about realizing your full potential. Our shift from mere connectivity to collaboration stems from our desire to help Praise Chapel churches better understand how we can partner with one another and the larger body of Christ to fulfill His will and purpose on earth today.
Collaboration is worth the cost, just as family is worth the cost.
Nothing is more God-honoring or Kingdom-minded than believers working together. In John 17, Jesus prayed for collaboration, asking His Father to unite His followers so the world would know God’s love.
Fear-based isolationist thinking stands in direct opposition to the Praise Chapel Family of Fellowships and our shared purpose of serving God and cultivating followers of Jesus Christ. Successful and fruitful collaboration requires loyalty, communication, and teamwork for the common good of everyone involved.
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To fulfill the Great Commission by collaborating with pastors, networks and ministries to multiply church planting worldwide.
Email: info@praisechapel.com
Phone: 888.980-5116
PO Box 1769
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729