These three words, “Win, Build, Send,” are the core of our vision in the PC
Global movement. As the different churches and networks sent out of
Praise Chapel have grown and developed, they have developed many
varieties of saying the same thing.
​Win one, Build on, Release one, ‘
Reach, Teach, Release, and other versions.
That is why it is the first word in our vision statement. We must win people
to Jesus to disciple (build) or send.
Here is the big question for the church today: "Have you caught any
fish?" (John 21:5 ) Jesus was not testing, tricking, or condemning His
disciples. He is asking a simple question that only needs a “yes” or “no.”
This is the starting point for kingdom work. Everything else that we do as
Christians begins with evangelism. The local Church, discipleship, worship,
and all the programs and activities of Christians follow “Fishing.” Because if
you don’t catch any fish, then there will be no church.
The great commission begins with, “Go into all the world and preach the
gospel, baptizing . . .” In other words, “fishing for people.” So, the question
is, "Have you caught any fish?"
We have nothing to build upon or distribute if we don't catch any fish. It's
the very beginning of spiritual multiplication. The first step in commencing
the journey of discipleship, church planting, or missions is winning a soul
for the Lord.
If we aren't casting nets, are we genuinely fishing?
When the disciples answered Jesus’ question, “Have you caught any fish?”
They said, “No.” Then Jesus said, “Throw out your net.” Evidently, they
were finished for the day. They had fished all night and caught nothing.
Jesus challenged them to “Cast your net .."
That is the challenge we need today. Have you caught any fish? Have you
baptized any new believers? Maybe your response is like the Disciples':
“No.” Jesus has a simple answer: " Cast your net.” Go fishing. You will
never catch fish if you don’t cast your net.
The rest of Jesus's statement was,
“Cast your net on the right side of the boat.”
Jesus's question prompts a deeper reflection. If we're not catching any fish,
are we genuinely fishing? The world is filled with souls yearning for hope—
hurting people, fish waiting to be caught. Yet many churches either aren't
fishing or are casting their nets in the wrong ponds.
If churches can offer vibrant Sunday services, they should also be able to
organize impactful outreach programs. For faithful followers of Jesus's
teachings, fishing isn't an occasional activity—it's a way of life. The task of
casting out the net is ceaseless. It's the essence of multiplication and
spiritual growth.
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To fulfill the Great Commission by collaborating with pastors, networks and ministries to multiply church planting worldwide.
Email: info@praisechapel.com
Phone: 888.980-5116
PO Box 1769
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729